There’s an old hymn, written in 1864. You’ve heard it any number of times, I’m sure. “For the Beauty of the Earth” is a graceful reminder of the grandeur that surrounds us in creation. It also draws attention to the joy which flows from the most profound element of creation; love itself. Let's take a moment and have a listen. If you have had an opportunity to sit outside on a cloudless night, away from the background lights of a city, then you know the astounding view of a dark sky filled with star-points of light. Some of the stars are gathered more closely in the bands of the Milky Way. Some of them are spread out over the rest of the deep velvet of space. Just the thought of counting them is outside the bounds of the imagination. Sitting under that miraculous display of glory, the record in the Word comes to mind. And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. (Genesis, Chapter 1:14-15) He is the one Who brought the universe into being from nothing by the power of His speaking. He is the one Who filled every aspect of the creation with the miracles of life and love which surround us. He is the one Who knew you in every detail and through every moment of your life even before the first star gave light. He is also the one Who gives His loving attention to even the most inconsequential details of life.
Please never think, for even a moment, that our loving Triune God turns His attention away from even the little details of your day-to-day. It was His love that made all there is. It was because of His love that He also came here in person. It was because of His love that our Lord Jesus gave even His own perfect, sinless life so that the eternal glories of heaven itself are a gift to you. When you see the decorated night sky or when you feel the cooling breeze, you experience His love even to the tiniest detail. See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. 1 John 3:1 +Pastor Rod
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-Meet Pastor Rod-
Pastor Rod, a life-long Lutheran, graduated from the University of Minnesota and Concordia Theological Seminary.
As a ‘retired Pastor’, Rod stays busy serving local pulpits, leading worship in Senior resident facilities, and writing for the blog. Pastor Rod lives in Savannah with his wife Deb along with their four- legged furry children (their doggies of course). With Deb, Pastor Rod especially loves to travel spending time with children & grandchildren. But most notably, Pastor Rod looks great in a hat! Categories